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Current market research – analyzed with that personal touch

The long-term investment is what counts for us. We rely on independent research as the basis for reliable buying and selling decisions. Observing, analyzing and interpreting: Our experts know what is happening on the most important real estate and capital markets – and how we respond to market changes in the interest of our investors.

Comment Q3/2024

Tobias Kotz

Global Head of Client Relations & Capital Funding der Real I.S. AG

Comment Q3/2024

Tobias Kotz

»If you want to position yourself for future value appreciation, you should take advantage of the window of opportunity.«


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Comment Q2/2024

Sven Scherbetitsch

Director Research & Investitionsstrategie der Real I.S. AG

Comment Q2/2024

Sven Scherbetitsch

»A window of opportunity for favourable investment opportunities will open in 2024.«


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Comment Q1/2024

Dr Christine Bernhofer

Mitglied des Vorstandes der Real I.S. AG

Comment Q1/2024

Dr Christine Bernhofer

»Property remains an attractive option when combined with thorough market knowledge and a focus on viable properties. At the same time, asset management remains essential in 2024 for the stable performance of real estate.«


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Real I.S. Research News

We analyze the latest trends and developments in the real estate markets. From emerging asset classes to the risk ratios of real estate funds and on to sustainable markets, our Research News provides detailed insights into hot topics.

Real I.S. Research in short

Our one-pager Research in short offers research in a nutshell and at a glance. This is the right place for anyone who wants to find out quickly about current market events.

Realometer – recognizing opportunities and risks

Our Realometer functions as a strategic asset allocation tool for the transparent analysis of the opportunities and risks entailed by real estate markets and locations. The results of the analysis are incorporated into our investment strategy. Get our Realometer from February 2024 now!

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