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Privacy Policy

Real I.S. AG takes the protection of your data very seriously and adheres stringently to the rules and regulations set out under the German Federal Data Protection Act. Personal data is only collected on this website within the scope of what is necessary. In no event whatsoever is the data collected sold or transmitted to third parties for other reasons (the sole exception is the passing on of personal data from the contact form to sales partners upon the express wish of the interested party).
We hereby expressly reject the use by third parties of contact data released in the context of imprint obligations for the purpose of sending advertisements and information not explicitly requested. The operator of these web pages expressly reserves the right to take legal action in the event of unsolicited advertising information. The declaration below gives you an overview of how we guarantee this protection and what type of data is collected for what purpose.

Data processing on this website
Real I.S. AG uses Piwik The company collects and automatically stores information transmitted by your browser in its server log files. This data consists of:

  • Host name of the accessing computer (IP address)
  •  Time of the server enquiry
  • Referrer URL (the website previously visited) and key search terms and phrases which you entered into a search machine to find the website.
  • Browser type/version
  • Operating system in use
  • Click paths used on the Real I.S. website

This data is not allocable by Real I.S. AG to specific persons. There is no combining of this data with other sources of data. Furthermore, once statistical analysis has been carried out, the data is deleted.


The website uses cookies in several places on its web pages. Cookies are small text files which are deposited on your computer and saved by your browser. These cookies are used to make our offering easier, more effective and safer for the user. Most of the cookies we use are "session cookies" which are automatically deleted when you leave the website. They cause no damage to your computer and contain no viruses.

Right to information

You have the right to request, at any time, information stored by us concerning your personal data, its origin and recipient as well as the purpose of its collection. Information on the data stored is provided by the Data Protection Officer of Real I.S. AG datenschutz(at)

Further information

Your trust is important to us. For this reason, we are always at your disposal to answer your questions about the processing of your personal data. If you have any questions which have not been answered by this Privacy Policy, or if you want more detailed information on a specific point, please contact the Data Protection Officer of Real I.S. AG at any time (

2. responsible organisation

Responsible for the processing of personal data on this website is (see imprint):

Real I.S. AG
Gesellschaft für Immobilien Assetmanagement
Innere Wiener Straße 17
81667 München
Phone: +49 89 489082 0
Fax +49 89 489 082 - 295
E-Mail: info(at)

Represented by the Management Board: Dr Christine Bernhofer (Chairwoman of the board), Bernd Lönner (Deputy chairman of the board), Franz Krewel