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Real I.S. France SAS

Real estate asset management in France, Belgium and Luxembourg

The subsidiary Real I.S. France SAS has been firmly established in Paris since 2012. The French portfolio of Real I.S. funds, which has seen strong growth over the years, and the unique characteristics of the French real estate market placed high demands on real estate asset management that could only be met by a professionally positioned team with detailed knowledge of the local market. The team in Paris is meanwhile responsible for tenant management, as well as all other asset management activities for Real I.S. real estate investments in France, Belgium and Luxembourg.

Paris Rue de Faubourg Saint Martin

Paris Boulevard Poissonniere

Paris Rue de la Banque

Paris Chaussee d'Antin

Paris Rue Jacques Bingen

Paris Rue de Vaugirard

St. Denis

Servon Eden

Lyon Docksite

Lyon Anthémis

Brussels Black Pearl

Brussels Fonsny

Brussels Rue de Ligne

Luxembourg Centre Etoile

Luxembourg K2 Ballad